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Navmii SDK
Write yourself a navigation system in iOS
Inherits UIView.
Instance Methods | |
(void) | - loadMapScheme: |
(void) | - addGeoObjectsListener: |
(void) | - removeGeoObjectsListener: |
(void) | - addGeoObject: |
(void) | - addGeoObjects: |
(void) | - removeGeoObject: |
(void) | - removeGeoObjectById: |
(void) | - removeGeoObjects: |
(void) | - removeGeoObjectsByIds: |
(void) | - removeAllGeoObjects |
(void) | - hideAllGeoObjects |
(void) | - showAllGeoObjects |
(void) | - addMapTapListener: |
(void) | - removeMapTapListener: |
(void) | - addMapViewListener: |
(void) | - removeMapViewListener: |
(void) | - addDayNightChangeListener: |
(void) | - removeDayNightChangeListener: |
(NMMapRectangle *) | - mapRectangleFromCoordinates: |
(NSArray< NMPlace * > *) | - placesAtPointOnScreen: |
(NSArray< NMPlace * > *) | - placesAtCoordinates:radius: |
(void) | - makeSnapshot |
(void) | - makeSnapshotWithCompletion: |
Class Methods | |
(double) | + getDistanceFrom:to: |
Properties | |
NMMapProjection * | projection |
BOOL | followsGpsPosition |
BOOL | followsGpsCourse |
BOOL | showsGpsPosition |
CGPoint | gpsPositionAnchorOnScreen |
NSUInteger | detailLevel |
BOOL | isInDayMode |
CGFloat | minZoomLevel |
CGFloat | maxZoomLevel |
BOOL | mapPanningGestureEnabled |
BOOL | mapRotationGestureEnabled |
BOOL | mapZoomGestureEnabled |
BOOL | mapTiltGestureEnabled |
BOOL | zoomInOnDoubleTapEnabled |
BOOL | zoomOutOnDualTapEnabled |
NMAutozoomMode | autozoomMode |
BOOL | autozoomEnabled |
BOOL | jamsShownOnMap |
BOOL | poisShownOnMap |
BOOL | usersShownOnMap |
BOOL | eventsShownOnMap |
BOOL | speedCamerasShownOnMap |
UIColor * | routeLineColor |
NMCameraController * | cameraController |
NMDirectionArrowStyle * | directionArrowStyle |
NSArray< NSString * > * | availableMapSchemes |
NSString * | activeMapScheme |
NMMapView should be used to display a geographical map.
- (void) addDayNightChangeListener: | (addDayNightChangeListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Adds a listener responding to events described in NMDayNightChangeListener protocol. You can add multiple listeners using this method.
listener | An object conforming to NMDayNightChangeListener protocol to be added to listeners. |
- (void) addGeoObject: | (addGeoObject(geoObject:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Starts rendering the specified NMGeoObject on the map. For more information please refer to NMGeoObject, NMGeoMarker and NMGeoPolyline documentation.
- (void) addGeoObjects: | (addGeoObjects(geoObjects:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Starts rendering the specified NMGeoObjects on the map.
- (void) addGeoObjectsListener: | (addGeoObjectsListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Adds the listener object conforming to the NMGeoObjectListener protocol. The map view can have multiple listeners. The listeners are being notified when user interacts with NMGeoObjects displayed on the map. For more information please refer to NMGeoObjectListener documentation.
- (void) addMapTapListener: | (addMapTapListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Adds a listener responding to events described in NMMapTapListener protocol. You can add multiple listeners using this method.
listener | An object conforming to NMMapTapListaner protocol to be added to listeners. |
- (void) addMapViewListener: | (addMapViewListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Adds a listener responding to events described in NMMapViewListener protocol. You can add multiple listeners using this method.
listener | An object conforming to NMMapViewListener protocol to be added to listeners. |
+ (double) getDistanceFrom: | (NMMapCoordinates *) | coordinatesFrom | |
to: | (NMMapCoordinates *) | coordinatesTo | |
Returns the distance as the crow flies in meters between the specified coordinates.
coordinatesFrom | The first one of two coordinates to measure distance between. |
coordinatesTo | The second one of two coordinates to measure distance between. |
- (void) hideAllGeoObjects |
Stops rendering of all NMGeoObjects presented on the map.
- (void) loadMapScheme: | (NSString *) | schemeId |
Loads map scheme with the specified scheme ID. Use availableMapSchemes property to get all the available scheme IDs.
- (void) makeSnapshot |
Makes a snapshot of NMMapView as rendered in the moment of calling the method. The resulting UIImage will be passed through onSnapshotReady: event of NMMapViewListener when ready.
- (void) makeSnapshotWithCompletion: | (void(^)(UIImage *_Nullable image)) | completion |
Makes a snapshot of NMMapView as rendered in the moment of calling the method. The resulting UIImage will be passed in the specified completion handler.
- (NMMapRectangle *) mapRectangleFromCoordinates: | (NSArray< NMMapCoordinates * > *) | coordinates |
coordinates | Array of coordinates to circumbsribed. |
- (NSArray<NMPlace *> *) placesAtCoordinates: | (NMMapCoordinates *) | coordinates | |
radius: | (CGFloat) | radius | |
Returns an array of NMPlaces located at specified coordinates.
coordinates | Coordinates at which the search will be performed. |
radius | Radius from the coordinates defining the geo area where the search will be peformed. |
- (NSArray<NMPlace *> *) placesAtPointOnScreen: | (CGPoint) | point |
Returns an array of NMPlaces located at coordinates corresponding to a screen position.
point | Screen position which will be converted to search coordinates. |
- (void) removeAllGeoObjects |
Removes all NMGeoObjects added to the map.
- (void) removeDayNightChangeListener: | (removeDayNightChangeListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Removes a listener responding to events described in NMDayNightChangeListener.
listener | An object conforming to NMDayNightChangeListener protocol to be removed from listeners. |
- (void) removeGeoObject: | (removeGeoObject(geoObject:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Stops rendering the specified NMGeoObject on the map.
- (void) removeGeoObjectById: | (removeGeoObject(geoObjectId:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Stops rendering NMGeoObject, which has the specified ID, on the map.
- (void) removeGeoObjects: | (removeGeoObjects(geoObjects:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Stops rendering the specified NMGeoObjects on the map.
- (void) removeGeoObjectsByIds: | (removeGeoObjects(geoObjectIds:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Stops rendering NMGeoObjects, which have the specified IDs, on the map.
- (void) removeGeoObjectsListener: | (removeGeoObjectsListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Removes the listener of user's interaction with NMGeoObjects on map.
- (void) removeMapTapListener: | (removeMapTapListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Removes a listener responding to events described in NMMapTapListener.
listener | An object conforming to NMMapTapListener protocol to be removed from listeners. |
- (void) removeMapViewListener: | (removeMapViewListener(listener:)) | NS_SWIFT_NAME |
Removes a listener responding to events described in NMMapViewListener.
listener | An object conforming to NMMapViewListener protocol to be removed from listeners. |
- (void) showAllGeoObjects |
Resumes rendering of all NMGeoObjects presented on the map.
readwritenonatomicstrong |
Returns current active map scheme. Allows to load map scheme by specifying its ID. Use availableMapSchemes property to get all the available scheme IDs.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables the autozoom. Refer to the NMAutozoomMode for more information.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Current autozoom mode. Refer to the NMAutozoomMode for more information.
readnonatomicassign |
Returns names of available map schemes.
readnonatomicstrong |
CameraController provides the ability to manage map rotation, tilt and zoom via changing the camera position (heading, pitch and zoom).
readnonatomicassign |
Current detail level of map rendering.
readwritenonatomicstrong |
Provides the ability to customize the way direction arrows render on map.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables showing road event icons on map.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables the "following GPS heading" mode.
@discussion When set to YES, SDK changes map camera heading according to the course of the GPS position. When set to NO, GPS updates don't affect the heading of the camera position.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables the "following GPS position" mode.
@discussion When set to YES, screen coordinates of GPS position are stored and remain upon GPS position update. When set to NO, GPS updates don't affect the targetLocation of the camera position.
readwritenonatomicassign |
CGPoint defining relative position of the GPS arrow on screen. Each coordinate of the point should be in the range 0..1. So the top left corner of the screen is {0,0} point and the bottom right corner is {1,1}.
readnonatomicassign |
Indicates whether the map is currently being rendered in day or night mode.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables showing traffic jams on map.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables the panning gesture, which is used to pan the camera along the map. This gesture changes the targetLocation parameter of the current camera position.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables the rotation gesture, which is used to change the heading of the map. This gesture changes the heading parameter of the current camera position.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables the tilt gesture (moving two fingers up and down the screen). This gesture changes the pitch parameter of the current camera position.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables the pinch gesture, which is used to zoom in and zoom out the map. This gesture changes the zoom parameter of the current camera position.
readnonatomicassign |
Maximum value of map zoom.
readnonatomicassign |
Minimal value of map zoom.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables showing POI icons on map.
readnonatomicstrong |
Current projection used by map renderer.
readwritenonatomicstrong |
Sets the main color of the route line. Setting this color doesn't affect traffic jam colors.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables displaying the GPS position icon on map.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables showing speed camera icons on map.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables showing users on map.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables zooming in on a double tap (two quick taps in a row) gesture. Zoom in factor is 1.8.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Enables/disables zooming out on a dual tap (tap with two fingers simultaneously) gesture. Zoom out factor is 1.8.