Navmii SDK  2.2.0
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NMRequest Class Reference

Inherits <NSObject>.

Inherited by NMCountryAndStateRequest, NMGeocodingRequest, NMPoiRequest, and NMReverseGeocodingRequest.

Instance Methods

(nullable instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(void) - startWithCompletion:
(void) - cancel

Class Methods

(nullable instancetype) + NS_UNAVAILABLE


NSUInteger maxResultsCount
NSString * locale
NMRequestStatus status

Detailed Description

Base class for all available search requests. You cannot instantiate this class directly. Use NMSearchService to create objects of different search requests.

Method Documentation

◆ cancel()

- (void) cancel

Cancels request operation.


+ (nullable instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE


- (nullable instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE

◆ startWithCompletion:()

- (void) startWithCompletion: (NMRequestCompletion completion

Starts the search and delivers the results to the specified completion handler.

Property Documentation

◆ locale

- (NSString*) locale

Language in which the search query will be processed.

◆ maxResultsCount

- (NSUInteger) maxResultsCount

Maximum number of results.

◆ searchLocation

- (NMMapCoordinates*) searchLocation

Center of the area of the search.

◆ status

- (NMRequestStatus) status

Current status of the request.