Represents route calculation error.
Enumerator |
NMRouteCalculationError_UnknownError | Indicates unknown runtime error occurred.
NMRouteCalculationError_InvalidRequest | Indicates some input parameters are invalid (i.e. user route plan doesn't contain enough points, etc.).
NMRouteCalculationError_NoRouteFound | Indicates no route found.
NMRouteCalculationError_FailedToSnap | Indicates the calculated route couldn't be snapped to the map.
NMRouteCalculationError_NoRoadNearWaypoint | Indicates no road was found near one or multiple points from the route plan.
NMRouteCalculationError_MapServerIsUnreachable | Non-fatal error indicating map tile server is unreachable. Can only be returned in online version of the SDK.
NMRouteCalculationError_RoutingServerIsUnreachable | Non-fatal error indicating routing server is unreachable.
NMRouteCalculationError_EnvironmentShutdown | Indicates that route calculation session has finished by the routing service due to its disposing (i.e. the SDK was shut down, etc.).