Inherits <NSObject>.
- (void) onReroutingByTrafficSucceeded: |
(BOOL) |
isNewRouteCalculated |
oldTime: |
(double) |
oldTimeInSec |
newTime: |
(double) |
newTimeInSec |
| |
optional |
Tells the delegate that rerouting by traffic succedded
- Parameters
isNewRouteCalculated | |
oldTimeInSec | Previous estimation of time in seconds |
newTimeInSec | New estimation of time in seconds |
- (void) onRouteCalculationFinished: |
(NMRouteCalculationStatus) |
status |
byReason: |
(NMRouteCalculationReason) |
reason |
| |
optional |
Tells the delegate that route calculation finished
- Parameters
status | Status of route calculation |
reason | Reason of route calculation |
- (void) onRouteCalculationStarted: |
(NMRouteCalculationReason) |
reason |
optional |
Tells the delegate that route calculation started
- Parameters
reason | Reason of route calculation |
Tells the delegate that route is cleared
The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file:
- /Users/rkurmakaev/Development/Mainstream_1/SDK/iOS/NavmiiSDK/NavmiiSDK/NMRouteDelegate.h