Inherits <NSObject>.
- (void) onDoubleTapOnMap: |
(CGPoint) |
coordinates |
optional |
Tells the delegate that map is double tapped
- Parameters
coord | Screen coords of action |
- (void) onLongPressOnMap: |
(CGPoint) |
coordinates |
optional |
Tells the delegate that map is long pressed
- Parameters
coord | Screen coords of action |
Tells the delegate that map moving iteration
- Parameters
newCenter | New map center coords |
Tells the delegate that map moving started
Tells the delegate that map moving stopped
- Parameters
newCenter | New map center coords |
Tells the delegate that POI item is selected when map is single tapped
- Parameters
Tells the delegate that GPS position changed
- Parameters
newPosition | New GPS position |
- (void) onRotatingIteration: |
(CGFloat) |
newAngle |
optional |
Tells the delegate that rotating iteration
- Parameters
newAngle | New map rotation angle |
- (void) onRotatingStarted |
optional |
Tells the delegate that rotating started
- (void) onRotatingStopped: |
(CGFloat) |
newAngle |
optional |
Tells the delegate that rotating stopped
- Parameters
newAngle | New map rotation angle |
- (void) onSingleTapOnMap: |
(CGPoint) |
coordinates |
optional |
Tells the delegate that map is single tapped
- Parameters
coord | Screen coords of action |
- (void) onSnappingChanged: |
(BOOL) |
isSnappedToGps |
optional |
Tells the delegate that map center snapped or not snapped to GPS position
- Parameters
isSnappedToGps | Is snapped to GPS position |
- (void) onZoomingIteration: |
(CGFloat) |
newZoom |
optional |
Tells the delegate that zooming iteration
- Parameters
- (void) onZoomingStarted |
optional |
Tells the delegate that zooming started
- (void) onZoomingStopped: |
(CGFloat) |
newZoom |
optional |
Tells the delegate that zooming stopped
- Parameters
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