DestinationReachedListener |
An interface allowing to listen when user reaches the route destination while navigating on a route.
DistanceToNextDirectionChangedListener |
An interface allowing to listen when distance to the next direction changes while navigating on a route.
GuidanceListener |
Interface allowing user to receive notifications on guidance text updates.
GuidanceSettings |
NavigationInfoChangedListener |
An interface allowing to listen to navigation info changes while navigating on a route.
NextDirectionChangedListener |
An interface allowing to listen when next direction changes while navigating on a route.
OnRouteStateChangedListener |
An interface allowing to listen to route state changes while navigating on a route.
PositionOnRouteChangedListener |
An interface allowing to listen to position on route changes while navigating on a route.
ReroutingByTrafficListener |
Interface allowing to receive notifications about changes of the status of the automatic rerouting
by traffic handling process.
ReroutingListener |
Interface allowing to receive notifications about changes in the status of the automatic rerouting
handling process.
RouteNavigator |
Interface allowing to access altering information about the route being navigated.
WaypointsPassedListener |
An interface allowing to listen when user passes one or multiple waypoints while navigating on a route.