Interface WaypointsPassedListener

public interface WaypointsPassedListener
An interface allowing to listen when user passes one or multiple waypoints while navigating on a route.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void onWaypointsPassed​(int passedWaypointCount, java.util.ArrayList<RoutePlanPoint> remainingWaypoints)
    The method is called once user passes one or multiple waypoints.
  • Method Details

    • onWaypointsPassed

      void onWaypointsPassed​(int passedWaypointCount, java.util.ArrayList<RoutePlanPoint> remainingWaypoints)
      The method is called once user passes one or multiple waypoints.
      passedWaypointCount - The number of passed waypoints;
      remainingWaypoints - Remaining waypoints.