![]() |
Navmii Turn-by-Turn SDK
Write yourself a navigation system in Android
Navigation system control. More...
Classes | |
class | Address |
Address. More... | |
class | AddressLookupCallback |
Address lookup callback interface. More... | |
interface | AudioEventListener |
Audio event listener, used in separate audio thread. More... | |
interface | ControlEventListener |
Navigation system control events listener. More... | |
enum | CountryDistanceUnits |
Country distance units. More... | |
class | CountryInfo |
Country info. More... | |
enum | CountrySpeedUnits |
Country speed units type. More... | |
class | Direction |
Directions information. More... | |
class | DirectionList |
Direction list. More... | |
enum | DirectionType |
Directions type. More... | |
interface | GuidanceCallback |
Guidance callback. More... | |
enum | GuidanceOutput |
Guidance output type. More... | |
interface | MapAnimationFinishedListener |
Map moving and zooming animation event listener. More... | |
interface | MapControlEventListener |
Map events. More... | |
class | MapCoord |
Map coords class. More... | |
class | MapRectangle |
Map coords rectnagle. More... | |
interface | NavigationInfo |
Hud data. More... | |
interface | NotificationManagerEventListener |
Notification manager events. More... | |
interface | OnRouteEventListener |
Events on routing. More... | |
class | PoiItem |
POI item. More... | |
class | PoiItemsArray |
POI items array. More... | |
class | PoiLookupCallback |
Poi lookup callback interface. More... | |
enum | PoiType |
POI type. More... | |
enum | RecordType |
Record type. More... | |
class | ReverseLookupCallback |
Reverse lookup callback interface. More... | |
enum | RoadUsage |
Road usage classification. More... | |
enum | RouteCalculationReason |
Route calculation reasons. More... | |
enum | RouteCalculationStatus |
Route calculation statuses. More... | |
interface | RouteEventsListener |
Route events. More... | |
class | RouteInfo |
Route info. More... | |
class | RouteNumberScheme |
Route number scheme. More... | |
enum | SafetyCameraType |
Safety camera type. More... | |
class | SnappingResult |
Snapping result. More... | |
enum | SnappingType |
Snapping type. More... | |
interface | UserItemsOnMapEventListener |
User items events. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
abstract double | getDistanceToSafetyCameraAlert () |
Returns distance in meters to nearest safety camera alert. More... | |
final long | createImageOnMap (String imagePath, MapCoord leftTop, MapCoord leftBottom, MapCoord rightTop, MapCoord rightBottom) |
Create user image on map. More... | |
abstract long | createImageOnMap (String imagePath, MapCoord coords[]) |
Create user image on map. More... | |
abstract void | throwNativeException (String message) |
Throws an exception with the specified message in native code. More... | |
abstract String | getUniqueID () |
Returns unique ID. More... | |
final MapCoord | getPositionOnMap (Point point) |
Backward compatibility. More... | |
Events | |
abstract void | addControlEventListener (ControlEventListener listener) |
Adds navigation system control events listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeControlEventListener (ControlEventListener listener) |
Removes navigation system control events listener. More... | |
abstract void | onConfigurationChanged (Configuration newConfig) |
Called in Activity.onConfigurationChanged. More... | |
abstract void | start () |
Starts the SDK. More... | |
abstract void | destroy () |
Destroy the SDK. More... | |
abstract void | pause () |
Pauses the SDK. More... | |
abstract void | resume () |
Resumes the SDK. More... | |
abstract void | setResourcePath (String path) |
abstract void | setExternalResourcePath (String path) |
abstract void | setUserDataPath (String path) |
abstract String | getDownloadedProductsPath () |
abstract void | setDownloadedProductsPath (String path) |
abstract void | clearMapCacheOnDisk () |
Removes downloaded map data. More... | |
abstract void | addMapControlEventListener (MapControlEventListener listener) |
Adds map control events listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeMapControlEventListener (MapControlEventListener listener) |
Removes map control events listener. More... | |
abstract void | addNotificationManagerEventListener (NotificationManagerEventListener listener) |
Adds notification manager events listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeNotificationManagerEventListener (NotificationManagerEventListener listener) |
Removes notification manager events listener. More... | |
Methods | |
abstract void | setMapZoom (float zoom) |
Changes current map zoom. More... | |
abstract void | setMapZoomAroundPoint (float zoom, Point center) |
Scales the map around the point. More... | |
abstract void | setMapRotation (float angle) |
Changes map rotation angle. More... | |
abstract void | setMapRotationAroundPoint (float angle, Point center) |
Rotates the map around the point. More... | |
abstract void | setMapCenter (MapCoord center) |
Moves map center to specified coords. More... | |
abstract void | setMapViewMode3D (boolean viewMode3D) |
Changes map view mode 2D/3D. More... | |
abstract void | setMapState (float zoom, float angle, MapCoord center, float animationDurationInSeconds) |
abstract void | setSnapToGps (boolean enabled) |
Spans map center to GPS position. More... | |
abstract void | setCurrentPosition (MapCoord position) |
Sets current position (user on map position) More... | |
abstract void | setLocation (Location location) |
Sets current location (coordinates, speed, direction, etc.) More... | |
abstract float | getMapZoom () |
abstract int | getMapDetailLevel () |
abstract float | getMapRotation () |
abstract MapCoord | getMapCenter () |
abstract MapCoord | screenPointToMapCoord (Point point) |
Translates screen coord to map coord. More... | |
abstract Point | mapCoordToScreenPoint (MapCoord point) |
Translate map coord to screen coord. More... | |
abstract MapCoord | getCurrentPosition () |
abstract boolean | isMapViewMode3D () |
Returns true if map should be displayed in 3D when it's snapped to GPS position, otherwise false. More... | |
abstract boolean | isMapCurrentlyIn3D () |
Returns current view mode of the map. More... | |
abstract boolean | isMapViewSnappedToGps () |
Returns true if map view is currently snapped to GPS postion. More... | |
abstract MapRectangle | getRouteBounds () |
Returns route bounding box. More... | |
abstract MapRectangle | getBoundsOfTheRestOfTheRoute () |
Returns bounding box of not passed part of the route. More... | |
abstract MapCoord | getRouteMarkerLocationOnTheRestOfTheRoute () |
abstract MapCoord[] | getRoutePolyline (int index) |
Returns array of route line points. More... | |
abstract MapRectangle | getAlternativeRouteBounds (int index) |
Returns alternative route bounding box. More... | |
abstract MapRectangle | getBounds (MapCoord[] points) |
Returns bounding box from points. More... | |
abstract void | fitBounds (MapRectangle boundingBox, Rect screenRect, boolean adjustZoom, float minZoomLevel, MapAnimationFinishedListener cb) |
Changes map center and zoom to fit object in rectangle. More... | |
void | fitBounds (MapRectangle boundingBox, Rect screenRect, boolean adjustZoom, MapAnimationFinishedListener cb) |
abstract boolean | isCountryMapLoaded (String countryIso3Code, String stateCode) |
Returns if map of the specified country is loaded. More... | |
abstract boolean | doesCountryUseMetricSystem (String countryIso3Code) |
TODO. More... | |
abstract String | formatSpeed (double value, SpeedUnits units, String locale, UnitFormatWidth formatWidth) |
abstract String | formatDistance (double value, DistanceUnits units, String locale, UnitFormatWidth formatWidth) |
abstract CountryInfo | getCountryInfo (String countryIso3Code) |
TODO. More... | |
abstract CountryInfo | getCountryInfo (MapCoord coord) |
TODO. More... | |
Snapping | |
abstract SnappingResult | snapPositionToRoad (MapCoord coord, float heading, float radius, SnappingType snappingType) |
Snap coords to road. More... | |
Markers and directed markers functions | |
Use this functions to create markers and change their attributes Directed markers can be directed by specified heading and lay on map (like the GPS position) Not directed markers stay at map (like a pin) | |
abstract long | createMarkerOnMap (String imagePath, MapCoord center, float imageCenterX, float imageCenterY, boolean clickable) |
Create not directed marker on map. More... | |
abstract long | createDirectedMarkerOnMap (String imagePath, MapCoord center, float heading, float imageCenterX, float imageCenterY, boolean clickable) |
Create directed marker on map. More... | |
abstract void | setMarkerPosition (long id, MapCoord center) |
Change the marker position. More... | |
abstract void | setMarkerHeading (long id, float heading) |
Change the marker heading. More... | |
abstract void | setMarkerImage (long id, String imagePath, float imageCenterX, float imageCenterY) |
Change the marker image. More... | |
abstract void | setMarkerClickable (long id, boolean clickable) |
Change the marker clickable status. More... | |
abstract long | getMarkerIdAtScreenPosition (Point coord) |
Returns marker ID near at screen position. More... | |
abstract long | getMarkerIdAtLocation (MapCoord coord, double radius) |
Returns marker ID near at geo location. More... | |
Polyline functions | |
Use this functions to create polylines and change their attributes | |
abstract long | createPolylineOnMap (int colorRGB, float width, MapCoord points[]) |
Create polyline on map. More... | |
abstract long | createTexturedPolylineOnMap (String texturePath, float width, MapCoord points[]) |
Create polyline on map. More... | |
abstract void | insertPointsToPolyline (long id, int index, MapCoord points[]) |
Insert points into specified polyline. More... | |
final void | insertPointToPolyline (long id, int index, MapCoord point) |
Insert point into specified polyline. More... | |
abstract void | removePointsFromPolyline (long id, int index, int count) |
Remove points from specified polyline. More... | |
final void | removePointFromPolyline (long id, int index) |
Remove point from specified polyline. More... | |
abstract int | getPolylineSize (long id) |
final void | setPolylinePoint (long id, int index, MapCoord point) |
Change specified polyline point coordinate. More... | |
Address and reverse lookups | |
Address lookup search coord by address. Reverse lookup determine address by coord | |
abstract void | startAddressLookup (AddressLookupCallback cb, String pattern, MapCoord location) |
Starts address lookup. More... | |
abstract void | startReverseLookup (ReverseLookupCallback cb, MapCoord location) |
Starts reverse lookup. More... | |
abstract void | startPoiLookup (PoiLookupCallback cb, String pattern, int[] poiCategories, MapCoord location, double radius, int maxResults) |
Starts the POI lookup. More... | |
abstract NavigationInfo | getNavigationInfo () |
Returns the navigation information. More... | |
Address from coordinate | |
abstract Pair< String, String > | getCountryAndStateCode (MapCoord location) |
Returns country and state iso3 code by geo coordinate. More... | |
abstract Address | getAddressAtLocation (MapCoord location) |
Returns address from geo coordinate. More... | |
abstract PoiItemsArray | getPoiItemsAtScreenPosition (Point point) |
Returns POI items near at screen coord. More... | |
abstract PoiItemsArray | getPoiItemsAtLocation (MapCoord location, double radius) |
Returns POI items near near at geo coord. More... | |
Route navigation | |
abstract void | addHudEventsListener (HudEventsListener listener) |
Adds route navigation event listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeHudEventsListener (HudEventsListener listener) |
Removes route navigation event listener. More... | |
abstract void | addTrafficJamOnRouteEventListener (TrafficJamOnRouteEventListener listener) |
abstract void | removeTrafficJamOnRouteEventListener (TrafficJamOnRouteEventListener listener) |
abstract void | setTrafficJamOnRouteBitmapSize (int width, int height, int gradientSize) |
abstract RouteNumberScheme | getRouteNumberScheme (RouteNumberSchemeType type) |
TODO. More... | |
abstract DirectionList | getDirectionList () |
Returns full direction list. More... | |
Routing | |
abstract void | addRouteEventsListener (RouteEventsListener listener) |
Adds route calculation events listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeRouteEventsListener (RouteEventsListener listener) |
Removes route calculation events listener. More... | |
abstract void | addOnRouteEventListener (OnRouteEventListener listener) |
Adds route navigation event listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeOnRouteEventListener (OnRouteEventListener listener) |
Removes route navigation event listener. More... | |
abstract boolean | makeRoute (MapCoord routePlan[]) |
Starts async route calculation process that calculates route with fixed route plan. More... | |
abstract boolean | makeRouteFromGpsPosition (MapCoord routePlan[]) |
Starts async route calculation process that calculates route from gps position. More... | |
abstract boolean | makeRouteFromGpsPosition (MapCoord routePlan[], int maxRouteCount) |
Same as "makeRouteFromGpsPosition(MapCoord routePlan[])", and also has a parameter "maxRouteCount" for limiting the route count. More... | |
abstract boolean | addRoutes (MapCoord routePlan[], int maxRouteCount) |
Same as "makeRoute", but the result is added to the existing routes. More... | |
abstract boolean | addRoutesFromGpsPosition (MapCoord routePlan[], int maxRouteCount) |
Same as "makeRouteFromGpsPosition", but the result is added to the existing routes. More... | |
abstract void | clearRoute () |
Clears route. More... | |
abstract boolean | isRouteCreated () |
Returns is route created. More... | |
abstract RouteCalculationStatus | getRouteCalculationStatus () |
Returns route calculation status. More... | |
abstract void | enableRerouting (boolean enable) |
Enables/Disables rerouting. More... | |
abstract boolean | isReroutingEnabled () |
Returns rerouting mode. More... | |
abstract void | cancelRouteCalculation () |
Cancel route calculation. More... | |
abstract void | skipRoute () |
Skip new route and restore previous. More... | |
Demo route | |
abstract void | startDemoRoute () |
Starts demo route. More... | |
abstract void | stopDemoRoute () |
Stops demo route. More... | |
abstract boolean | isDemoRouteActive () |
Returns is demo route active. More... | |
Alternative routes | |
abstract void | clearAlternativeRoutes () |
Clears alternative routes. More... | |
abstract void | setDrawAlternativeRoutesEnabled (boolean value) |
Changes alternative routes draw mode. More... | |
abstract void | setDrawRouteEnabled (boolean value) |
Changes route draw mode. More... | |
abstract int | getRoutesCount () |
abstract int | getCurrentRouteIndex () |
abstract void | applyRoute (int index) |
Apply route by index to start routing. More... | |
abstract void | selectRoute (int index) |
Selects route by index. More... | |
abstract RouteInfo | getRouteInfo (int index) |
Returns route info. More... | |
abstract void | setSkipRouteByTrafficTime (float timeInMinutes) |
Set skip route by traffic time. More... | |
abstract void | setSkipRouteByTrafficLength (float differenceInPercent) |
Set skip route by traffic length. More... | |
Audio | |
abstract void | addAudioEventListener (AudioEventListener listener) |
Adds audio event listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeAudioEventListener (AudioEventListener listener) |
Removes audio event listener. More... | |
Voice guidance | |
abstract void | setGuidanceOutput (GuidanceOutput value) |
TODO. More... | |
abstract void | setTextGuidanceCallback (GuidanceCallback cb) |
TODO. More... | |
POI | |
abstract void | addPoiEventListener (PoiEventListener listener) |
Adds POI event listener. More... | |
abstract void | removePoiEventListener (PoiEventListener listener) |
Removes POI event listener. More... | |
GPS status | |
abstract void | addGpsStatusListener (GpsStatusListener listener) |
abstract void | removeGpsStatusListener (GpsStatusListener listener) |
abstract GpsStatus | getGpsStatus () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static NavmiiSettings | getSettings () |
static NavmiiControl | create (android.content.Context applicationContext) |
Creates navigation system control object. More... | |
User objects managing functions | |
User object is map marker, polyline and raster map image. Use this functions to user objects managing. | |
static final long | INVALID_USER_ITEM_ID = 0 |
Invalid user item id value. More... | |
abstract void | setItemOnMapZLevel (long id, float level) |
Change specified user object Z level. More... | |
final void | deleteItemOnMap (long id) |
Delete item from map. More... | |
abstract void | deleteItemsOnMap (long ids[]) |
Delete items from map. More... | |
final void | deleteItemsOnMap (List< Long > ids) |
Delete items from map. More... | |
abstract void | addItemsOnMapEventListener (UserItemsOnMapEventListener listener) |
Adds user objects events listener. More... | |
abstract void | removeItemsOnMapEventListener (UserItemsOnMapEventListener listener) |
Removes user objects events listener. More... | |
Navigation system control.
abstract |
Adds navigation system control events listener.
listener | listener class |
abstract |
Removes navigation system control events listener.
listener | listener class |
abstract |
Called in Activity.onConfigurationChanged.
newConfig | New config |
abstract |
Starts the SDK.
abstract |
Destroy the SDK.
abstract |
Pauses the SDK.
abstract |
Resumes the SDK.
abstract |
path |
abstract |
path |
abstract |
path |
abstract |
abstract |
path |
abstract |
Removes downloaded map data.
abstract |
Adds map control events listener.
listener | listener object |
abstract |
Removes map control events listener.
listener | listener object |
abstract |
Adds notification manager events listener.
listener | listener object |
abstract |
Removes notification manager events listener.
listener | listener object |
abstract |
Returns distance in meters to nearest safety camera alert.
abstract |
Changes current map zoom.
zoom | New zoom value (map scale factor) |
abstract |
Scales the map around the point.
zoom | New zoom value (map scale factor) |
center | Zooming center in pixels |
abstract |
Changes map rotation angle.
angle | New map rotation angle +-360 deg |
abstract |
Rotates the map around the point.
angle | New map rotation angle |
center | Rotation axis center in pixels |
abstract |
Moves map center to specified coords.
center | New map center coords. |
abstract |
Changes map view mode 2D/3D.
viewMode3D | true is 3D view mode, false id 2D view mode |
abstract |
Spans map center to GPS position.
enabled | True snap, false unsnap |
abstract |
Sets current position (user on map position)
position | New position |
abstract |
Sets current location (coordinates, speed, direction, etc.)
location |
abstract |
abstract |
abstract |
abstract |
abstract |
Translates screen coord to map coord.
point | Screen coord |
abstract |
Translate map coord to screen coord.
point | Map coord |
abstract |
abstract |
Returns true if map should be displayed in 3D when it's snapped to GPS position, otherwise false.
abstract |
Returns current view mode of the map.
abstract |
Returns true if map view is currently snapped to GPS postion.
abstract |
Returns route bounding box.
abstract |
Returns bounding box of not passed part of the route.
abstract |
Returns array of route line points.
abstract |
Returns alternative route bounding box.
index | Alternative route index |
abstract |
Returns bounding box from points.
abstract |
Changes map center and zoom to fit object in rectangle.
Only for 2D mode.
boundingBox | The bounding box |
screenRect | Region on the screen in pixels |
adjustZoom | True if zoom level should be adjusted automatically, false otherwise |
minZoomLevel | Minimal zoom level to use when adjustZoom is true, or -1 |
cb | The callback to call when the animation is finished |
abstract |
Returns if map of the specified country is loaded.
countryIso3Code | ISO3 code of the country |
stateCode | Code of the state (can be null if the country doesn't have states) |
abstract |
abstract |
abstract |
abstract |
Snap coords to road.
coord | Source coords |
heading | Coords heading +-360 |
radius | Snapping radius in meters |
snappingType | Snapping type |
final long navmiisdk.NavmiiControl.createImageOnMap | ( | String | imagePath, |
MapCoord | leftTop, | ||
MapCoord | leftBottom, | ||
MapCoord | rightTop, | ||
MapCoord | rightBottom | ||
) |
Create user image on map.
imagePath | path to image, image resolution must be power of 2 for mipmap generation |
leftTop | left top coordinate |
leftBottom | left bottom coordinate |
rightTop | right top coordinate |
rightBottom | right bottom coordinate |
abstract |
Create user image on map.
imagePath | path to image, image resolution must be power of 2 for mipmap generation |
coords | array of leftTop, leftBottom, rightTop, rightBottom |
abstract |
Create not directed marker on map.
imagePath | image path |
center | marker position |
imageCenterX | image center X offset. Values can be any from range 0-1. 0 means offset is 0% of width 1 means 100% of width |
imageCenterY | image center Y offset. Values can be any from range 0-1. 0 means offset is 0% of height 1 means 100% of height |
clickable | status |
abstract |
Create directed marker on map.
imagePath | image path |
center | marker position |
heading | new marker heading. Values range is 0-360 deg. |
imageCenterX | image center X offset. Values can be any from range 0-1. 0 means offset is 0% of width 1 means 100% of width |
imageCenterY | image center Y offset. Values can be any from range 0-1. 0 means offset is 0% of height 1 means 100% of height |
clickable | status |
abstract |
Change the marker position.
id | marker id |
center | new marker position |
abstract |
Change the marker heading.
id | marker id |
heading | new marker heading. Values range is 0-360 deg. |
abstract |
Change the marker image.
id | marker id |
imagePath | new marker image path |
imageCenterX | image center X offset. Values can be any from range 0-1. 0 means offset is 0% of width 1 means 100% of width |
imageCenterY | image center Y offset. Values can be any from range 0-1. 0 means offset is 0% of height 1 means 100% of height |
abstract |
Change the marker clickable status.
Clickable markers sends various touch events to navigation system control nested activity
id | marker id |
clickable | new value |
abstract |
Returns marker ID near at screen position.
coord | screen coord in pixels |
abstract |
Returns marker ID near at geo location.
coord | Geo coordinate |
radius | Radius in meters to search marker |
abstract |
Create polyline on map.
colorRGB | RGB color |
width | width |
points | polyline points |
abstract |
Create polyline on map.
texturePath | texture path |
width | width |
points | polyline points |
abstract |
Insert points into specified polyline.
id | polyline id |
index | insert new points at specified index |
points | points to insertion |
final void navmiisdk.NavmiiControl.insertPointToPolyline | ( | long | id, |
int | index, | ||
MapCoord | point | ||
) |
Insert point into specified polyline.
id | polyline id |
index | insert new point at specified index |
point | point to insertion |
abstract |
Remove points from specified polyline.
id | polyline id. |
index | remove points at specified index |
count | amount points to removing |
final void navmiisdk.NavmiiControl.removePointFromPolyline | ( | long | id, |
int | index | ||
) |
Remove point from specified polyline.
id | polyline id |
index | remove point at specified index. |
abstract |
id | polyline id |
final void navmiisdk.NavmiiControl.setPolylinePoint | ( | long | id, |
int | index, | ||
MapCoord | point | ||
) |
Change specified polyline point coordinate.
id | polyline id |
index | point index to change |
point | new coord value |
abstract |
Change specified user object Z level.
0 is bottomer object. default Z-levels (can be changed): 4 - polyline 6 - marker 6.1 - directed marker
id | object id. |
level | new z-level value. |
final void navmiisdk.NavmiiControl.deleteItemOnMap | ( | long | id | ) |
Delete item from map.
id | object id. |
abstract |
Delete items from map.
ids | objects ids. |
final void navmiisdk.NavmiiControl.deleteItemsOnMap | ( | List< Long > | ids | ) |
Delete items from map.
ids | objects ids |
abstract |
Adds user objects events listener.
listener | event listener |
abstract |
Removes user objects events listener.
listener | event listener |
abstract |
Starts address lookup.
cb | Results callback |
pattern | Search pattern |
location | Results will sorted by distance around this coord |
abstract |
Starts reverse lookup.
cb | Results callback |
location | Results will sorted by distance around this coord |
abstract |
Starts the POI lookup.
cb | POI lookup callback |
pattern | Search pattern |
poiCategories | POI categories from NavmiiSettings.getPoiCategories() |
location | Results will sorted by distance around this coord |
radius | Search radius in meters, set -1 to use default search radius by POI category |
maxResults | Max number of results |
abstract |
Returns the navigation information.
abstract |
Returns country and state iso3 code by geo coordinate.
location | Coordinate |
abstract |
Returns POI items near at screen coord.
point | Screen coordinate |
abstract |
Returns POI items near near at geo coord.
location | Geo coordinate |
radius | Search radius in meters |
abstract |
Adds route navigation event listener.
listener | Listener object |
abstract |
Removes route navigation event listener.
listener | Listener object |
abstract |
listener |
abstract |
listener |
abstract |
width | |
height | |
gradientSize |
abstract |
abstract |
Returns full direction list.
Should to calls after route calculated.
abstract |
Adds route calculation events listener.
listener | listener class |
abstract |
Removes route calculation events listener.
listener | listener class |
abstract |
Adds route navigation event listener.
listener | Listener object |
abstract |
Removes route navigation event listener.
listener | Listener object |
abstract |
Starts async route calculation process that calculates route with fixed route plan.
Calculated route can be recalculated when SDK receives traffic data update. In this case RouteEventsListener receives RouteCalculationReason.ReroutingCausedByTraffic as a reason argument in it's callbacks.
Calculated route cannot be recalculated due to gps position update.
routePlan | Route plan points with start point |
abstract |
Starts async route calculation process that calculates route from gps position.
When gps position updates, SDK checks if the new position is on the route, and if it's not, recalculates the route. In this case RouteEventsListener receives RouteCalculationReason.Rerouting as a reason argument in it's callbacks. Thus this route always passes through a current gps position.
Calculated route can be recalculated when SDK receives traffic data update. In this case RouteEventsListener receives RouteCalculationReason.ReroutingCausedByTraffic as a reason argument in it's callbacks.
routePlan | Route plan points without start point |
abstract |
Same as "makeRouteFromGpsPosition(MapCoord routePlan[])", and also has a parameter "maxRouteCount" for limiting the route count.
routePlan | Route plan points without start point |
maxRouteCount | maximum route count |
abstract |
Same as "makeRoute", but the result is added to the existing routes.
routePlan | Route plan points without start point |
maxRouteCount | maximum route count |
abstract |
Same as "makeRouteFromGpsPosition", but the result is added to the existing routes.
routePlan | Route plan points without start point |
maxRouteCount | maximum route count |
abstract |
Clears route.
abstract |
Returns is route created.
abstract |
Returns route calculation status.
abstract |
Enables/Disables rerouting.
After SDK creation rerouting is enabled.
enable | if enable is true, this method enables rerouting, otherwise it disables rerouting |
abstract |
Returns rerouting mode.
abstract |
Cancel route calculation.
abstract |
Skip new route and restore previous.
abstract |
Starts demo route.
Route should be calculated
abstract |
Stops demo route.
abstract |
Returns is demo route active.
abstract |
Clears alternative routes.
Route should be calculated
abstract |
Changes alternative routes draw mode.
value | Show or hide alternative routes on map |
abstract |
Changes route draw mode.
value | Show or hide route on map |
abstract |
abstract |
abstract |
Apply route by index to start routing.
index | Route index |
abstract |
Selects route by index.
index | Route index |
abstract |
abstract |
Set skip route by traffic time.
timeInMinutes | Time in minutes |
abstract |
Set skip route by traffic length.
differenceInPercent | Difference in percent 0..100 |
abstract |
Adds audio event listener.
listener | Audio event listener |
abstract |
Removes audio event listener.
listener | Audio event listener |
abstract |
abstract |
abstract |
Adds POI event listener.
abstract |
Removes POI event listener.
static |
static |
Creates navigation system control object.
abstract |
Throws an exception with the specified message in native code.
This method can be used to test crash reporting tools, such as Crashlytics.
message | The message. |
abstract |
Returns unique ID.
final MapCoord navmiisdk.NavmiiControl.getPositionOnMap | ( | Point | point | ) |
Backward compatibility.
static |
Invalid user item id value.